3241 E. Douglas
Wichita, KS 67218
(316) 685-3652

Realty School Of Kansas (RSK)
"Since 1973"


(Previously Provided) Pre-License - Sales Person or Broker
(Not offered at this time / only provide OPINIONS & CONSULTING Only)

(required to take state licensing exam)

Consulting for (Brokers & Salesperson) - BY APPOINTMENT  - may travel to your location


"50+ Years Providing Information"



RSK extends our Sincere THANKS to all our CUSTOMERS and friends for YOUR SUPPORT & BUSINESS during the past 50+ years.  RSK’s tenure and experience included opportunity laced with challenging times and political forces that finally resulted in the loss of over 90% of our business.  The best analogy of the punitive actions experienced could be described as “You may continue to have your restaurant, but you MAY NOT SERVE FOOD!

FOR the RECORD RSK took a proactive approach over the years, by attending KREC meetings to provide positive input for benefit of ALL LICENSEES and the adoption of policies, supporting & promoting actions GOOD for ALL LICESNSEES which contributed to improved real estate education in some respects; plus, BENEFITED ALL EDUCATION PROVIDERS, not merely the entity that controls the State Government real estate agency.

For context:  a few EXAMPLES of RSK’s experience & ACTIONS over the years

1.        The 1st KREC meeting RSK attended:  after the meeting I was asked by the KREC Director to step into his office and was asked why I was coming to the meeting AND I responded I wanted to stay abreast of what was going on for the benefit of RSK & all Licensees.  I was then told if I wanted to know what was going on, “I needed to join the Realtors association!”

2.       In earlier years the primary entity that provided real estate education required a minimum number of enrollments to hold a course.  RSK adopted the policy a course would be provided without regard to # of enrollments and held several classes for a few, & in couple classes for one licensee.

3.       RSK pioneered Home Study in Kansas, while the primary c.e. provider at that time stated that "if a person could drive to a Football game (as Lawrence or Manhattan) they could drive to Topeka to take their real estate courses".  RSK later received a letter of thanks from the first KREC education director at that time, thanking us for designing Home Study.  Note:  It took several years to show Kansas licensees that Home Study could be a viable CE source, and for the program to succeed.  AFTER THAT the ENTITY THAT expressed opposition to home study adopted it.

4.       During initial years of education, only one entity had access to and use of real estate licensees data for names and addresses through the KREC, which left all other at a disadvantage.  RSK addressed this and was successful in getting the Governor to direct equal access to all qualifying schools.

5.       Requested coordination between KREC & Proprietary Schools (Bd. Of Regents) to reduce waste as Real Estate School Required approval from two state government entities?

THE ABOVE ACTIONS and OTHERS were the RESULT OF ATTENDING MOST KREC MEETINGS for many years providing input that helped to YIELD positive benefits:

A.      ALL the other SCHOOLS and ENTITIES OFFERING REAL ESTATE COURSES  BENEFITED from such positive actions and often to the exclusion or RSK.  LIKEWISE; GOVERNMENT agencies RARELY RECEIVE such actions IN A POSITIVE MANNER and CAN RESPOND NEGATIVELY (and did), which no doubt has provided much of the impetus FOR THE PUBLIC’S SUPPORT for the slogan “DRAIN THE SWAMP”!

B.      In the OPINION of RSK, being proactive, also resulted in the KREC Director creating a “WALL of NEGATIVES” WHICH ULTIMATELY RESULTED in major PUNITIVE ACTION by the former KREC Director that WITHDRAW RSK’s course approval for the course every licensee may desire.  HENCE the analogy of “You can have a restaurant, but you can not serve a main course” RESULTS:  LOSS OF RSK’S BUSINESS.  However,  RSK has the option to attempt to initiate a renewed program.  How many of you would like to go back to high school to get your diploma at this time in your career after holding a masters?

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